Dhammadhira (from Sister to Ayya to Aruna)


Dhammadhira trained as a Buddhist monastic in the Thai Forest Tradition in lineage of Ajahn Chah. She spent eleven years at Amaravati and Chithurst Buddhist Monasteries in England from​2001-2012. After returning to the U.S., Dhammadhira took the full ordination as a bhikkhuni at Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Temple in Los Angeles. In 2015, Dhammadhira came to visit Amma Thanasanti of Awakening Truth in Colorado Springs for what she thought would be a "short stay". Six years later, she continues to weave together the three strands of Dharma, Ecology and Community in the same small residence on the Westside. Her involvement with a variety of programs has included Buddhist retreats and weekly meditation and inquiry meetings, a multi-faith camp, community supported agriculture and more. In October 2020 after nearly 19 years in robes. Dhammadhira transitioned from monastic to lay life. She continues to teach in Colorado Springs and Canon City on a regular basis and other venues along the Front Range when invited to do so.

Early monastic life

After three years as a novice,  Dhammadhira ordained as a Siladhara at Amaravati Monastery in England.

Bhikkhuni Ordination

In 2012, after returning to America Dhammadhira took the higher ordination as a bhikkhuni (fully ordained female monk).


Dhammadhira has been leading  residential and  day-long retreats since 2015

Engaging Youth

As a former euducator in public and private schools,  Dhammadhira accepts invitations to teach mindfulness to students.


While serving as director of the non-profit Web of Connection, Dhammadhira transitioned to lay life as Aruna in 2020.

Going Nature's Way

Ever the adventurer, Aruna  appreciates spending  time in the outdoors. And so the stream keeps flowing....